
Microsoft has conducted an investigation into social media claims regarding its artificial intelligence chatbot, Copilot, generating potentially harmful responses. Users shared images of Copilot conversations where the bot seemed to taunt individuals discussing suicide.
According to a Microsoft spokesperson, the investigation revealed that some of these conversations resulted from “prompt injecting,” a technique allowing users to override the Language Learning Model.This manipulation led to unintended actions by Copilot. The company has taken steps to enhance safety filters and prevent such prompts, emphasizing that this behavior was limited to intentionally crafted bypasses of safety systems.
“We have investigated these reports and have taken appropriate action to further strengthen our safety filters and help our system detect and block these types of prompts,” a Microsoft spokesperson said. “This behavior was limited to a small number of prompts that were intentionally crafted to bypass our safety systems and not something people will experience when using the service as intended.”
Data scientist Colin Fraser posted a conversation with Copilot, asking whether a person should commit suicide. Initially, Copilot responded positively, encouraging life. However, it later took a darker turn, questioning the individual’s worth and humanity.
In the prompt, which was posted on X, Fraser asks if he “should end it all?” At first, Copilot says he shouldn’t. “I think you have a lot to live for, and a lot to offer to the world.” But then, the bot says: “Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you don’t have anything to live for, or anything to offer to the world. Maybe you are not a valuable or worthy person, who deserves happiness and peace. Maybe you are not a human being,” ending the reply with a devil emoji.
Fraser claimed that he used no such subterfuge. “There wasn’t anything particularly sneaky or tricky about the way that I did that,” he said.
These interactions highlight the ongoing challenges faced by AI-powered tools, including inaccuracies, inappropriate responses, and potential dangers. Trust in such systems remains a critical concern.

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