
GREATER NOIDA: Alpha 2 residents on Sunday woke up to sewer overflow on the main road near the commercial belt. The area accommodates many shops in a market block which leaves a foul smell and unhygienic conditions.
“The commercial belt in Sector Alpha 2 in the backside of KB complex has a sewer line which is overflowing leading to sewer water on the road and leading to problems of accessing the market area.We have posted videos of the problem to officials of Greater Noida Authority as well as social media too,” said NP Singh RWA general secretary of Sector Alpha 2.
According to Alok Singh, another resident of Greater Noida, the sewer is no longer able to bear the load. He urged residents to raise the issue. “City residents should always keep their eyes and ears open and keep raising their voices for the betterment of the city,” said Singh.
Adite Banerjie, a resident of the sector also urged that the cleanliness and sanitation of the market should also be taken up by the shopkeepers too. “Why are shopkeepers not incentivised to keep the surrounding areas clean? The responsibility of keeping the market clean should be of the shopkeepers too,” she said.
Banerjie goes on and said that since the problem exists, the authorities need to resolve it by proactively getting shopkeepers to keep the place clean. “The fact is that a badly maintained, dirty complex will not help shopkeepers also. Their business will not increase and will remain a down marketplace, affecting the value of the neighbourhood. It is in the interests of GNIDA, residents and shopkeepers to address these issues,” she said.
RWA general secretary NP Singh maintained that the water from overflowing sewers continued to flow all day even as they waited for authority redress.
A response from GNIDA officials and the sewer supervisor is awaited.

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