
Aditya Srivastava, topper of the UPSC IAS exam 2023, revealed what he did differently from the previous year to rise from the 236th rank to the first. He ranked 236th in the 2022 UPSC civil service exam and opted for the Indian Police Service (IPS).

In an exclusive interview with India Today TV, Aditya Srivastava said, “It was mostly about identifying previous mistakes or the perceived mistakes that I thought I had made. So, like in General Studies 1 and 4, I identified the reason why I was falling far behind what the toppers were getting and I tried to correct those mistakes. I would say that was the primary thing which put me from rank 236 to rank one.”

He also revealed the method he followed while preparing for the exam and said apart from hard work, it is smart work which works wonders.

“The main thing I did a bit differently was in-depth analysis of past year’s papers, be it of prelims, or be it identifying the various patterns that USPC is following, be it in sentence formation or the kind of questions they are framing and also the kind of answers that toppers are giving to them,” said Aditya Srivastava.

He also gave his advice to those preparing for the UPSC civil service exam and said self-motivation and consistency are the keys to cracking it.

Aditya Srivastava also talked about his first reaction to the news of him topping the UPSC IAS exam and said he was nervous when the results were announced. “I was praying to kindly land me in the top 70. And when I saw the result, I was ecstatic,” he added.

The IAS topper said his first task when he assumes his post would be to “implement all the schemes that the government is making for the people to the best of my ability”.

“After that, if I get a chance at a public policymaking level, then I would like to work for children, specifically in health and education,” he added.

Aditya Srivastava thanked his parents for the feat he achieved and said, “Whatever I am today is because of them.” He said they were a bit emotional when they first received the news and later became ecstatic.

Published By:

chingkheinganbi mayengbam

Published On:

Apr 16, 2024

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